You can manage your installation of the “Laravel Cloud App” GitHub application by going to GitHub > Settings > Integrations: Applications > Laravel Cloud App > Configure. From there you can update the Repository access settings or suspend/uninstall the integration.
You can manage your installation of the “Laravel Cloud” GitLab application by going to GitLab > Preferences > Applications. From there you revoke Cloud’s access to your account.
You can manage your installation of the “Laravel Cloud” BitBucket integration by going to BitBucket > Settings > Workspace settings > OAuth consumers. From there you revoke Cloud’s access to your account.
If you are using GitLab or BitBucket as your source control provider, you should be mindful when making permissions changes to repositories or managing webhooks within the source control provider’s UI. Making changes here may prevent Cloud’s push to deploy functionality from working correctly or prevent Cloud from being able to clone your repository during deployment.
Custom Domains
If your domain fails verification or seems to be taking a long time to verify, there are a few things to check:
If you are carrying out pre-verification, ensure you have added the records correctly. Some DNS providers require you to add the domain when setting the name of the DNS records, while others do not. This can result in an invalid record. For example, if the DNS provider adds the domain portion of the record name on your behalf, but you also add it when creating the record, you may end up with a record that contains a duplicate domain e.g.
If you are carrying out real-time verification, ensure the domain is pointed correctly at Cloud’s A record provided to you in the UI. You can also try making a request to the domain to allow us to pick up the traffic flowing into our network
If you require wildcard support on your custom domain, you must carry out pre-verification in order to prove ownership of the entire domain.
You should also ensure to add the DCV delegation record provided to you in the UI to ensure the wildcard SSL certificate continues to be issued.
Finally, if your DNS is managed by Cloudflare, you must disable the proxy (orange cloud) to allow the domain to be verified.
Make sure you have Trust All Proxies properly configured in your application.
Laravel Cloud will automatically configure your environment to use the stderr
log channel using JSON formatting. This is required in order for logs to be formatted correctly in the Cloud UI.
By default stack traces are not captured by Laravel Cloud. You may include stack traces by enabling includeStacktraces
within the stderr
channel in your application’s logging.php
'stderr' => [
'driver' => 'monolog',
'level' => env('LOG_LEVEL', 'debug'),
'handler' => StreamHandler::class,
'formatter' => env('LOG_STDERR_FORMATTER', JsonFormatter::class),
'formatter_with' => [
'includeStacktraces' => true,
'with' => [
'stream' => 'php://stderr',
'processors' => [PsrLogMessageProcessor::class],
Of course, you may also use any of Laravel’s supported external log providers should you prefer.